Stages of preparation and implementation of cold sales

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Stages of preparation and implementation of cold sales

Post by subornaakter10 »

All stages of the cold sales process require training, skill development, and practice. This applies to finding clients, keeping their attention, and closing the deal. Let's look at each stage of cold sales in detail.

Step 1: Define your target audience
Determining the target audience kuwait phone number is an important factor in preparing and conducting cold sales. This is necessary to identify its needs and create its profile. There should be a clear understanding of why each client is interested in your product and can buy it.

For example, an Internet and communications provider offers clients various services according to their needs: pensioners will expand the number of TV channels, those working online will appreciate the stability of home Internet, for students the priority is the volume of the mobile Internet package and its speed.


To determine the target audience, various criteria are identified taking into account your product. The division of clients into groups (segmentation) is carried out according to certain characteristics:

Socio-demographic: age, gender, education, marital status.

Geolocation: place of residence, recreation.

Economic: income, solvency, purchasing habits.

Behavioral: life values, character, interests, actions on the site.

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Step 2: Create a list of potential clients
Study information about existing consumers: their gender, income, place of residence, habits. If there are no clients yet, you can attract them by conducting online surveys, interviews. Make a list of potential buyers. Based on it, you can focus on those who can actually become a client of the company. Purchasing general databases with contacts does not justify itself: it is expensive and irrelevant. In addition, the collection and use of individual data without the consent of clients is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

User data


It is much more effective to study and analyze open sources, search for firms and companies that are interested in your products. Moreover, it is better to address the call to the relevant department, for example, the purchasing department. This way, it is more likely to get a positive reaction to the conversation and a real buyer.

Step 3: Prepare to communicate with the client
Use the script

To successfully communicate with a potential buyer, it is necessary to carefully think through all stages of the conversation. A cold call sales script helps managers with this - a scenario that is used by the seller in a conversation with the client during initial contact. A set of phrases and questions structures the conversation, ensures a unified approach to sales. Managers will be trained in using formulations and will not be confused by an unexpected question.

Scripts vary depending on the content and characteristics of the service or product being offered. For a credit card offer to a bank client, it will be completely different from the one used when communicating to promote a card for social payments.

The script must be convincing and clear. It must formulate all the advantages that will attract a potential buyer. It is necessary to anticipate the client's objections and be prepared to answer them confidently and reasonably.

Use active listening

The conversation should be lively and interested. Listen to the client, feel his mood, involve him in the dialogue, ask questions to find out his real needs.

Emphasize the benefits of the product

The client needs to be led to the realization of the benefit that he will receive from using the product you offer. This is important if you are engaged in cold sales over the phone and want to know how to learn to do it well. Include in the conversation a scenario about the use of the product or emphasize the JTBD principle (Jobs to Be Done in translation from English - "work that must be done"). This principle assumes that the purchase is made so that it contributes to the achievement of a certain goal.

For example, you offer to buy a mixer. Its function is clear - to whip cream. But if you look deeper, its purpose is the ability to gather loved ones at the table, create a warm, trusting atmosphere, and strengthen family traditions. It is very important to convince the client that the purchase of the product will have a positive impact on the lives of those dear to him.

Offer choices, show alternatives

Give the client the opportunity to evaluate the product range, point out the unique advantages in quality, functionality, completeness. Help choose what best suits his needs. Even color can be important.

Work through and close objections

It is unacceptable to ignore uncomfortable and even frankly provocative questions. They can be anticipated in advance. A list of objections, its addition during calls, analysis and development of skills in the process of training and practice will help.
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