A fake buyer can come across any seller, and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about online or offline trade, wholesale or retail. Who is it? How to determine that it is him? Why is it not worth wasting your precious time on him? There are a lot of questions… and the answers you receive will help you better understand the specifics of customer behavior, and therefore, better understand them and, due to this, increase the efficiency of your work.
Who is a false buyer?
In short, a fake buyer is one who will not buy anything. No, this is not one who will simply pass by your store, website, offer. He can come up to the window, go to the Internet resource, talk to the austria email list sales manager, ask a lot of questions. But this will not bring any results, and the time that could be devoted to a real client will be wasted. Although in some cases this will help to gain useful experience in identifying such buyers (especially for novice sellers). It is clear that the appearance of a fake buyer should not become a reason for harsh or rude communication. It is always necessary to remember about reputation and the fact that a fake client can become a potential one in the future.
Who is a false buyer?
How to identify a fake client?
There are several behavioral aspects that are typical of fake clients. You need to know how to react to each of them, not only to distinguish them from other customers, but also to try to sell even in such a case. Most often, fake clients:
They say directly that they do not like the offer. But this does not always mean that the buyer is false, sometimes he just doubts, wants to be persuaded or is not ready to buy right now, or maybe the price does not suit him or he is just in a hurry. In short, you need to figure it out and pay attention to other aspects, and also try to find out the reason for the refusal.
Asking too many questions. This may be a completely normal situation when it comes to a large purchase, before which you need to carefully weigh everything. But even in this case, the sales manager receives a couple of very specific questions, after answering which the client makes a decision (including when it comes to online trading). In turn, the fake buyer will ask more and more new questions, which will become more and more vague. Here it is important to take control of the situation and delicately stop the useless flow of questions.
They look for a catch in everything. For example, a fake buyer will ask why there are no negative reviews on the site (or the complaints book is empty). He will be sure that there is “definitely something fishy” here. If a client asks to show/send him negative reviews, then he simply wants to receive confirmation of his unwillingness to buy.
Constantly indignant. "What kind of color is this? Wow, how expensive!" and all that kind of stuff indicates that the client is unlikely to be in the mood to buy. Perhaps he just wants to take out his negativity on someone.
How to identify a fake client?
They don't know what to do. Such people are simply bored and looking for someone to talk to. They can constantly come, write, call. They will keep up the conversation, ask about the product, the history of the brand, every ingredient that is part of the product, but these conversations will lead to nothing.
Suffer from "delusions of grandeur". Often, a false buyer considers himself higher and more important than others, and completely groundlessly. The pronoun "I" prevails in his conversation. If you call or write to such a client, he will constantly talk about his extreme busyness and ask to contact him later. But most likely, this "later" will never happen. In this case, the false buyer simply enjoys the increased attention to his person.
They don't dare to refuse. Such people will constantly dodge, change the subject of the conversation, avoid a direct answer, because due to their natural modesty or other subjective reasons they are simply afraid to say "no". Your task is only to read this answer between the lines before the conversation or correspondence reaches a dead end.
The information and experience you gain in sales will allow you to easily identify people who will never take the final step in closing a deal, and therefore are not worth your attention, time, and effort. A few minutes of conversation, a couple of messages or calls will be enough, and you will save resources for productive clients.
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False Buyer: Identify and Switch to Potential
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- Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:59 am