The passage is in the Experience section. We know that this web page inconvenience, related to the bouncing of an element after the page load , is quite difficult to evaluate and record. In short, it is not like the web page loading where you can observe the tenths. However, the Chrome DevTools performance panel has a section that can help you.
cls chrome dev tools measurement
I'm talking about the Experience area: to find visual malaysia whatsapp number instability issues on your page that contribute to layout drift , you need to select a layout change to see the details in the Summary tab. Want to get the point where the drift occurred?
The solution is simple, hover over the Moved from and Moved to fields . This way you can intervene, correct in the lab phase and if everything works you apply the changes to the web page or template.
To learn more about the topic and the tool
If you want to deal with the evolutions of the Core Web Vitals universe, how this theme will develop and the weight it will have in the work of optimizing the web page and your online projects you can follow the lessons of the online event . Follow it, it's very interesting!
Do you want to optimize your website?
Chrome DevTools is certainly essential to achieve the goal but there is one more point to add: you need to know the metrics and technical developments, implementing the changes is a fundamental step and to obtain the best possible result you need to face this challenge with the right support and the comparison with a web performance professional. Do you want to learn more?
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Learn more: How to choose plugins to speed up WordPress
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