The Zhihu Live-stream is currently available t

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The Zhihu Live-stream is currently available t

Post by yamim222 »

Zhihu also has a webinar-like live-service. This service allows brands to discuss industry-specific topics by showing online presentations. The live chat function is also available for this service, therefore brands and participants can enjoy the interactive discussion. Brands can choose to host a live stream presentation for free or with a fee.

For now, only audio versions are available, but on October 11th of 2019, Zhihu announced the release of a new service called Zhihu Video Live-stream. Though the video live-streaming feature isn’t something new to Chinese users who are already spending a good bit of time on video streaming platforms, it is expected that Zhihu will be able to attract users who have been demanding video live-streaming for professional content. With its professional tone and manner, Zhihu is poised to become China’s leading platform for knowledge sharing live-video content.

It also brings the written discussion live, as it provides opportunities for the audience to interact with the host. One of the possibilities is a fan-favourite bullet commenting.

o a few invited brands. Though the date is uncertain, it is uk phone number database assumed that the service will soon be expanded to general users. Becoming one of the pioneer brands or users to use the new video live streaming service may bring about new opportunities to gain niche followers and brand reputation.


nother way to approach marketing on Zhihu is posting with accounts that have already built a certain following in the niche. Working with industry/topic-specific influencers, commonly known as KOLs (key opinion leaders), is a great way to break through to the desired audience.

Influencer account on Zhihu

Producing articles and columns about a topic is more common than using the Q&A feature when working with influencers on Zhihu. Therefore, it is important for brands to look for those who have a high engagement level and those who can best deliver industry-specific content to the desired audience. Content quality and resonation with the audience are also other key points that need to be considered.

Now, you’ve created all the high-quality content. Are there any hidden benefits of your hard work? What if it worked for SEO as well?

Due to its reliability and high-quality content, Zhihu posts show up near the top of the page for organic searches on Chinese search engines. They often tend to rank higher than a brand’s website.

That said, just by strategically managing Q&A content on Zhihu, brands can also leverage their organic results for certain keywords and phrases. Proper management can help brands receive exposure on multiple search platforms without spending more on search advertisements. On Zhihu, published articles can also link users to the brand’s official website. This helps direct user traffic to the right places and yields better results.
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