person giving speech at esxpoelearning
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:36 am
This format of short presentations by experts in technology applied to training gave us a quick overview of the experiences that are currently being carried out and how they are being assimilated by students. The key is to take advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence and how, by modulating this potential with human intelligence, new applications can emerge in the field of education. The experts were Leire Nuere, from the Francisco de Vitoria University; Borja Garzón, from Isdi; and Santiago Amador from the IA Academy for teachers.
Roundtable: Employability, People Growth Experience
Personal and professional growth go hand in hand and this round table presented the views of Juan Carlos Tejeda, director of education and training at CEOE; Jorge Moreno, CEO of Twenix; Nieves Ribes, Learning Manager at Sanitas; and José Manuel de la Chica, CTO of Santander Universities/Universia Holding. During the moderation, led by Susana Gómez, from A kuwait mobile number example EDIPE CENTRHO, it was possible to see the importance of providing quality internal training in companies and of generating a complete employee experience , which helps to improve performance and also to retain talent and work in an environment that puts the employee at the center of the organization.
person giving speech at esxpoelearning
Sustainability and competitiveness within the framework of the United Nations Global Compact
Another topic that we are involved in and were particularly interested in was developed by Shannon de Mata, head of marketing and development for the UN Global Compact in Spain. As you know, Femxa is a signatory to this pact with the mission of strengthening our support for the Sustainable Development Goals and advancing our ongoing commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable management in the development of our activity.
This is why we could not miss this presentation, which focused on highlighting that sustainability is synonymous with business competitiveness. There is increasingly a relationship between the sustainability performance of companies and their economic performance. The commitment to sustainable work processes provides greater competitive advantages, greater attraction to investors and a stronger commitment from the workforce.
person giving speech at esxpoelearning
Presentation of the results of the European Sparks project
Sparks Project is a project co-financed by the EU Erasmus Plus programme and in which Femxa participates with companies from five other countries: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Poland, and aims to develop a new reference framework for the use of gamification in e-learning environments, as well as an e-learning platform to enable VET providers to offer innovative online learning experiences with the use of gamification , thus increasing their students' motivation and engagement with learning.
The project results have the potential to be integrated into different branches of the participating countries' education systems, such as higher, adult and school education. Entities active in these fields could adopt the framework or use the platform to create innovative and engaging learning experiences, thus contributing to a strengthened response of Education and Training systems to the current challenges of digital education.
Sparks was represented at Expoelearning by José Manuel Campos, partner at Femxa, who introduced Miriam Lanzetta, Project Manager, PMP® and GPM-b™ at Lascó , who gave a complete presentation of the project results, which you can consult on the sparks website .
We believe that as a company involved in the training sector we must maintain a research profile that improves educational innovation at a European level, which is why we actively participate in several international projects with the aim of improving teaching methods and means.
Roundtable: Employability, People Growth Experience
Personal and professional growth go hand in hand and this round table presented the views of Juan Carlos Tejeda, director of education and training at CEOE; Jorge Moreno, CEO of Twenix; Nieves Ribes, Learning Manager at Sanitas; and José Manuel de la Chica, CTO of Santander Universities/Universia Holding. During the moderation, led by Susana Gómez, from A kuwait mobile number example EDIPE CENTRHO, it was possible to see the importance of providing quality internal training in companies and of generating a complete employee experience , which helps to improve performance and also to retain talent and work in an environment that puts the employee at the center of the organization.
person giving speech at esxpoelearning
Sustainability and competitiveness within the framework of the United Nations Global Compact
Another topic that we are involved in and were particularly interested in was developed by Shannon de Mata, head of marketing and development for the UN Global Compact in Spain. As you know, Femxa is a signatory to this pact with the mission of strengthening our support for the Sustainable Development Goals and advancing our ongoing commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable management in the development of our activity.
This is why we could not miss this presentation, which focused on highlighting that sustainability is synonymous with business competitiveness. There is increasingly a relationship between the sustainability performance of companies and their economic performance. The commitment to sustainable work processes provides greater competitive advantages, greater attraction to investors and a stronger commitment from the workforce.
person giving speech at esxpoelearning
Presentation of the results of the European Sparks project
Sparks Project is a project co-financed by the EU Erasmus Plus programme and in which Femxa participates with companies from five other countries: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Poland, and aims to develop a new reference framework for the use of gamification in e-learning environments, as well as an e-learning platform to enable VET providers to offer innovative online learning experiences with the use of gamification , thus increasing their students' motivation and engagement with learning.
The project results have the potential to be integrated into different branches of the participating countries' education systems, such as higher, adult and school education. Entities active in these fields could adopt the framework or use the platform to create innovative and engaging learning experiences, thus contributing to a strengthened response of Education and Training systems to the current challenges of digital education.
Sparks was represented at Expoelearning by José Manuel Campos, partner at Femxa, who introduced Miriam Lanzetta, Project Manager, PMP® and GPM-b™ at Lascó , who gave a complete presentation of the project results, which you can consult on the sparks website .
We believe that as a company involved in the training sector we must maintain a research profile that improves educational innovation at a European level, which is why we actively participate in several international projects with the aim of improving teaching methods and means.