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How to plan events at the agency?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:41 am
by messi71
Organizing corporate events is a strategy that is increasingly used in the corporate world. These actions are very important for increasing the company's productivity, so it is essential to pay attention to event planning in agencies.

With good organization, which involves choosing a good location within the budget, among other issues, it is possible to provide great engagement at work among groups of employees, develop networking among professionals and promote an experience that escapes people's work routine.

In this post we will show you how to plan events in agencies. Check it out!

Right time to organize an event
Knowing the right time to organize an event is essential for its success. Organizing several events in a short period of time can have the opposite effect on your goals. Therefore, know how to value meetings and encourage your employees to feel excited about the big day.

Try to organize these actions on special architects email lists uk days or periods for the company that are really worthwhile. At the beginning of each year, plan to create a schedule and choose the right times to hold an event at your agency.

How to plan an event
The big secret to planning is, without a doubt, focusing on organization. It is not an easy task and can be done by anyone. The person responsible for organizing this process needs to be able to deal with a large amount of information and responsibilities at the same time.

The person will be responsible for communicating with a wide range of people in different areas of activity. In addition, it takes a lot of flexibility to overcome obstacles and deal with all kinds of unforeseen events. Therefore, pre-event planning is considered one of the most important steps.

Don't be in a rush to organize
You may have heard the phrase “haste is the enemy of perfection”. It is one of the greatest truths when it comes to organization. These actions need to be very well planned and their details well discussed with the agency teams. With a large number of details, many end up being forgotten in the rush.

It is essential to assemble an efficient team to help the organizers so that everything goes as planned. Most people think they can do everything on their own, but that is not a good idea. Try to organize the event well in advance so that everything goes smoothly and you do not have any headaches.

Set goals and objectives
As mentioned in the previous topic, planning needs to start well in advance and, during this process, it is essential to establish the objectives and goals of the event at your agency. What do you intend to achieve with this corporate get-together? Develop networking, engage employees, communicate a major change or simply increase productivity ?

These questions are crucial and need to be answered during the planning and goal-setting process. Plan ahead to set dates, set goals, and align deadlines with a variety of partners and suppliers. All of this is important to ensure that on the big day everything goes exactly as planned, or even better.

Set up a schedule
One strategy that can help a producer or organizer is to create a complete schedule. In this process, everything must be considered, from checking the delivery of the location, the arrival of furniture and transportation of materials to the disassembly part.

An ideal schedule needs to be prepared well in advance of the big day and needs to be finalized a few days later. This is because you need to focus on seeking feedback from guests and participants and preparing a report with the results.

A good schedule needs to define several issues, such as the date on which suppliers will be hired, when payments for services will be made, how far in advance invitations will be distributed, how reminders will be sent close to the day, among other factors.

Define the main issues of the event
Regardless of the type of event, the number of guests or participants, some issues are crucial to the success of any corporate gathering and need to be given due attention. They can positively or negatively influence the entire organization process and are therefore very important.

When we mention these issues, we are talking about budget, venue rental, date selection, employee payments, and participant registration. During the planning and organization process, pay close attention to all of these factors.

Respect the budget
To guide you in all decisions during planning, it is essential to calculate and control your agency's available budget for the event. Before creating a schedule and deciding to take certain actions, define with those responsible how much will be invested and what the budget limit is.

It is very important to make an estimate and monitor all processes to check whether expenses are within the established budget. Try to negotiate with suppliers in search of better prices, seek discounts for cash payments and keep in mind that keeping the event within budget is one of the best performance indicators.

Choose the best date
The date of an event is a factor that can have a major positive or negative impact. Of course, there are times when it will not be possible to avoid certain dates, if a cheap venue or service already has other events scheduled. However, it is essential to plan the ideal day so that there is no competing event.

In other words, try to choose a day that does not coincide with certain holidays, such as Carnival, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Black Friday, holidays in general, among others. During these periods, people tend to have many commitments and their availability is compromised.

Another strategy that can have a very positive impact and should be considered is choosing a date at the beginning of the month to start selling tickets, if your event is paid. This is because it is during these days that people receive their salaries and are in a slightly better financial situation .

Choose the best location
Choosing the right location is also a determining factor for success. To make a good selection, you need to consider ease of access for guests, parking spaces, nearby public transportation, the security that the location provides, and adequate space for other functions.

A location that is too far away, that is difficult to find a parking space for, or that does not offer adequate security can put off guests. When planning, this is a factor that cannot be decided in a hurry, as the chances of it going wrong are high. Take some time to visit different locations before deciding.