Publishing a blog post can change everything. These are the stories of people whose life has been turned around by a blog post.
Carlos Bravo15
Let's face it. Most of us will blog and it won't change our lives at all. That's the most likely thing that will happen to you from the moment you start blogging. It doesn't have to be that way. A blog or even a single post can change your life.
Post that changes your lifePhoto rights by Fotolia
For these people, a post changed their lives
Ask Pablo Herreros what he has experienced since he wrote his post “These are the brands that sponsored the mother of a criminal” . He was even on the verge of going to court because Telecinco had sued him for several million euros. In the end, among many other things, a book was published (which also touches on other subjects) and surely some new clients who came to him thanks to the media visibility that his case had throughout Spain.
He talks to Javier Echaleku about the impact of his post with japan whatsapp number his “confessions” about his business failure . I remember perfectly when a few weeks before the post we were having lunch in Valencia and he mentioned the idea of publishing that article and wanted to know what I thought about it. Since then there is a long list of appearances on television, in the press and at events that have helped him turn Kuombo into one of the leading e-commerce agencies in this country.
I remember as if it were yesterday when this guy called Dean Romero introduced himself to me after a “Course for Bloggers” for 700 people in Madrid and told me that he is a reader of my blog. Today he is another person who has managed to position himself among the main SEO and blogging bloggers. Here he tells how a post changed his life by giving him visibility that allowed him to show what he is capable of in new adventures.
How to create a post that can change your life
Check out what Victor Iturrioz says in his analysis after publishing a post that went practically viral. It may not have changed his life in a way that other people can see, but it has certainly given him a boost of motivation to continue with his blog and his projects. It's a good example to give an idea of what you have to do if you want to write a post that will change your life.