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4. Now look at the Duration and File columns

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:15 am
by Bappy12
Written by Jorge Ferreiro
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The State Public Administration, through the SEPE and with the collaboration of FUNDAE , makes available to you a pool of free training hours that you can use throughout the duration of the course offer or call. The calls are public offers of training courses, and usually last between 1 and 3 years depending on the volume of places offered.

These calls may be state-wide (courses offered by the state administration and available to anyone residing in the national territory), or regional (offered by regional administrations for citizens of each community).

All of them, regardless of the administration that calls them, have access requirements and specific conditions.

The State Administration offers courses in different calls that can even be developed in parallel. Each of these calls offers students a certain number of credits (hours) of free training; consult them here .

You can use these credits to train yourself at any time if you meet the requirements (subsidised training) or you can enjoy them through company training plans (subsidised training). Here you can find more information about these types of training.

How to check available training hours
If you have already taken one of the free training courses offered by each call, you can check the credits you have already used and, therefore, know what you have available to continue training . If you have never taken any course, you have available all the free training credits (hours) offered by the call.

Below we explain how to check your training hours. To do this you will need to have an e-DNI or an electronic certificate . You can also access the course using a 24-hour PIN that you will receive on your mobile phone or through permanent Cl@ve .

1. Access this link on the Fundae website and connect to the Portal using any of the above identification methods.

2. If you click on the orange arrow you can check the courses you have taken:

3. But to know the training you have already consumed, we will need the File code that identifies the call to which the course belongs. To do this, download the Report by clicking on the bottom right corner of the screen:

5. Finally, compare the data with this kuwait whatsapp number table:

File Code

Call for applications

Free training hours available


State 2018 ICT


No limit on courses or just one if the duration is greater than 120 hours.



State 2018


Maximum 3 courses or just one if the duration is greater than 180 hours.

In our case, we have completed two courses corresponding to the 2018 ICT State call , of 30 and 80 hours. That is, we have used 110 of the 120 available . We would have only 10 hours of free training left in this call.

In addition, we have completed a course corresponding to the 2018 State call , of 120 hours. So we have used up 120 of the 180 available. We could take two more courses that do not exceed, in total, 60 hours and continue training within this call.

Come on, check now how many hours of free training you have available to continue learning and improving your position in the job market!