The text that’s used within a clickable
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:39 am
The text that’s used within a clickable hyperlink. For example, the anchor text of this hyperlink, how to name a blog, is “How to name a blog.”
13. Alt Text
Alt text, or alternative text, is the word or phrase that’s used to tell readers (and more importantly, search engines) of a blog the nature of an image on the page.
Alt Text Blogging Term Screenshot
14. Astroturfing (in SEO)
The act of deceptively paying people to act like your customers (or an unbiased party) to promote your brand or blog to others. Yeah, it’s not a smart thing to do.
15. Automate
The process of automating a task online so that it’s controlled by a machine or WordPress plugin rather than a manual task done by a person.
B — Blogging Terms
Now, onto blogging terms that start with the letter B.
16. Biblioblogosphere
A humorous reference that is given to the niche is algeria phone number material blogging.
17. Blaudience
A blog’s audience—regular readers of a blog.
18. Blath
A mashup of the words “blog” and “math” describes math-related blogs.
19. Blawg
A blog focusing on law is usually written by a lawyer (hopefully), professor, or law student.
20. Bleg
A combination of the words “blog” and “beg.” A blog that requests contributions or information from their readers.
21. B-listless (Blistless)
When a blogger becomes apathetic towards their new content. It indicates what could happen to the email list of a blogger that loses interest.
22. BBloggers
A common hashtag that beauty bloggers use.
23. Blog
A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published, typically written in an informal or conversational style—often to attract readers and achieve some goal, whether community-building or growing a business.
13. Alt Text
Alt text, or alternative text, is the word or phrase that’s used to tell readers (and more importantly, search engines) of a blog the nature of an image on the page.
Alt Text Blogging Term Screenshot
14. Astroturfing (in SEO)
The act of deceptively paying people to act like your customers (or an unbiased party) to promote your brand or blog to others. Yeah, it’s not a smart thing to do.
15. Automate
The process of automating a task online so that it’s controlled by a machine or WordPress plugin rather than a manual task done by a person.
B — Blogging Terms
Now, onto blogging terms that start with the letter B.
16. Biblioblogosphere
A humorous reference that is given to the niche is algeria phone number material blogging.
17. Blaudience
A blog’s audience—regular readers of a blog.
18. Blath
A mashup of the words “blog” and “math” describes math-related blogs.
19. Blawg
A blog focusing on law is usually written by a lawyer (hopefully), professor, or law student.
20. Bleg
A combination of the words “blog” and “beg.” A blog that requests contributions or information from their readers.
21. B-listless (Blistless)
When a blogger becomes apathetic towards their new content. It indicates what could happen to the email list of a blogger that loses interest.
22. BBloggers
A common hashtag that beauty bloggers use.
23. Blog
A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published, typically written in an informal or conversational style—often to attract readers and achieve some goal, whether community-building or growing a business.