Call center operator's working day
How to communicate with a client correctly
My name is Andrey and I work in one of Moscow's call centers. I want to tell you about my working day, because many guys want to get their first work experience in a call center. Usually there is a flexible schedule and hourly pay, but the work is not that easy.
A call center is a dedicated division in a company luxembourg phone numbers that promotes products by making cold calls, receiving incoming calls, and also works with requests in online chat mode . The choice of a call center organization usually depends on the company's area of activity and budget. However, it is extremely important for a company to organize such a division correctly, since it is the call center that allows you to actively promote products, quickly process customer requests, improve the company's reputation and optimize its activities as a whole.
We work in an open office space, each operator has a computer and a telephone headset (in our company the telephone is integrated into the computer system).
In my opinion, the most important things in the work of a call center operator are personal qualities such as communication skills, openness, the ability to listen and understand people's desires.
In addition to your own aspirations and character traits, a lot depends on the head of the department. I was lucky with these

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Call center operator's working day
In the morning, when I come to work, the first thing I do is prepare a call list. It consists of several parts:
selection of subscribers who are not our target audience (so as not to call again);
identifying potential clients who need to be called back because they have shown interest in our services;
Calling new companies that fit our client's profile but are not yet familiar with our services.
It is better to make cold calls in the first half of the day; in the second half, you can call again those clients who need to be sent some information or find out about their decision regarding cooperation.
It is very convenient that everything is automated in our company. All information about clients is in the personal account, and I can call any of them by simply dialing the required number.
A virtual PBX connected for work also allows:
record incoming and outgoing calls;
organize a queue and route calls by client number;
store information about clients, compile summaries of calls and results of negotiations;
visualize information about the client and the incoming call on the operator’s workstation;
record and listen to conversations .
Before calling a new client, I look at what the client's company does. Individuality is very important, all companies are different and each requires its own approach. It is necessary to feel the mood of the person you are talking to on the phone, and, what is very important, to hear his specific questions. Many companies force you to put pressure on the client, even if he has already said "no". Personally, I think this is wrong. But what if you put yourself in the client's place? When there is no desire to talk or no interest, then further attempts to talk are unlikely to inspire trust and a desire to cooperate further.
In the beginning, to be honest, it was very hard for me. When you hear a refusal several times a day (and sometimes a very rude one), your mood gets worse, and you no longer have any desire to call further. But I learned to abstract myself from this and concentrate on those clients who are interested in my offer.
In addition, our company regularly holds planning meetings and assemblies where we discuss the results of the previous day (or work for the month). The managers evaluate our work, give us mini-lectures on the culture of communication with clients and marketing.
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How to communicate with a client correctly
You should always work in a good mood. At the beginning of a conversation, you need to introduce yourself, name your company, while keeping a smile on your face. Never demand that a person necessarily talk to you now, but rather find out if he has the opportunity to talk to you at the moment.
When moving on to a product offer, first find out the client's needs, for example: "Since your company is engaged in the construction of office space, I think you will be interested in our offer for the organization of office space." Most importantly, when describing your prices, find out whether the client really needs it. For example, you should not talk about call tracking with a company that uses mainly text communications, and an end-to-end analytics offer will not suit those who do not yet use CRM.
In order for the client to be confident in the reliability of the company and to better examine the products, it is worth offering to send information materials to him by mail. Do not call back immediately, the client needs time, so it is better to do this in three days.
Working in a call center, I learned how to communicate with people and build really strong relationships with clients. And I discovered the main principle for myself: first, "sell" yourself, then the company, and only then the product. If you learn how to communicate with people correctly and understand their needs, you can become a cool professional in the field of sales, and in this case, working with "cold" calls is difficult, but the most powerful foundation to achieve this goal.