Colin Kaepernick at the center

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Colin Kaepernick at the center

Post by prisilabr03 »

Elses responsibility. Nike commercial with Colin Kaepernick. Now it is worth looking at how politics can become part of a marketing strategy. As is known, in the USA political movements are conventionally divided into right and left, where the former are representatives of conservative views, supporters of the Republican Party, and the latter are usually represented by liberals, supporters of progressive ideas, on whose side the young population of the country most often acts. Michael Jordan probably never said, Republicans buy sneakers, too. But that apocryphal quote reflects a common sentiment among consumergoods marketers Its best to stay out of.

Political controversies if you want to sell products to everyone. Nike, which has uruguay telegram number received both praise and criticism for putting of its Just Do It anniversary campaign, is not following that principle. Their choice along with other corporations recent choices to engage in political controversy, as Delta and Dicks Sporting Goods recently did with gun rights activists tells us something about the new political incentives facing brands. This is not woke capital. Companies are maximizing profits as usual, but they are responding to incentives that are now aimed at encouraging brands to engage politically. But.

For brands that get political, theres a downside They could alienate some of their customers. People who post videos of themselves destroying Nike sneakers they bought with their own money may not buy new ones anytime soon. What is new is that some brands are seeing significant increases in profits. The more consumers have come to expect brands to reflect their moral and political values, these are the companies that, by engaging in controversial issues, can strengthen their connection with a segment of consumers, and the more they are willing to buy or pay a higher price. Why Nike is.
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