Node js projects on the same machine

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Node js projects on the same machine

Post by hasinam2206 »

Since process.env is a normal object, we can set/override the values: JavaScript Copy the code process.env.MY_VARIABLE = 'ahoy'; The above code will set or override the MY_VARIABLE value. However, keep in mind that this value is only set during the execution of this Node.js process, and is only available in child processes spawned by this process.

As a general rule, avoid overriding environment 11-digit phone number format philippines variables whenever possible, and simply initialize a configuration variable as shown in the PORT example. If you're developing on multiple , you may find that your environment variable names overlap. For example, different messaging applications may need different Twilio messaging service SIDs, but both will be named TWILIO_MESSAGE_SERVICE_SID.

A great way to get project-specific configuration is to use .env files. These allow you to specify different environment variables and their associated values. Typically, you won't want to check these files into source control. When you create one, just add .env to your .gitignore file. With the many env.example files in Twilio demo apps , you can copy them into .


A common practice is to have an .env.example file or similar if you want to share a template file with others on the project. How do I load the values ​​from this file? The quickest way is to use an npm module called dotenv. Install the module via npm: JavaScript Copy the code npm install dotenv --save Then add the following line at the top of your input file: JavaScript Copy the code require('dotenv').
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