Depositioning websites is a concept rarely used in SEO. In reality, we will deal with it, for example, when we want to hide a website with an unfavorable opinion from search results. In this text, we will present you usa consumer email database all the most important information and answer the questions: what is depositioning? how is it performed? We will also suggest how to defend yourself against such attacks and what the Google search engine tells us about this procedure.
The article answers the questions:
What is depositioning in the Google search engine?
What is website depositioning?
How to protect yourself from falling positions in Google?
What is depositioning?
Why and when does a page get demoted in search results?
Off-site depositioning
On-site depositioning
How to protect yourself from depositioning?
What does Google say about depositioning?
What is depositioning?
Depositioning is a process aimed at lowering the position of a website in the Google search engine. It is the opposite of positioning . There are many different ways and possibilities of depositioning a website. It is also called negative SEO . Depositioning is known mainly in a negative light and in the context of lowering the ranking of websites of competing brands , although this is only part of the truth. This process is carried out in the same way as positioning , and it is implemented by SEO specialists, IT specialists or, in extreme cases, hackers. Depositioning can also be used for both good and bad purposes.
Why and when does a page get demoted in search results?
Depositioning of websites is done in several cases and they are rather rare situations. The first one is the desire to lower the ranking of your own website . This may be caused by the desire or need to promote other websites to higher positions in the Google ranking . Such action may result from, for example, our marketing strategy . It is implemented when we do not want to completely remove the website from the network, but only want to swap places of several of our websites under specific keywords .
The second reason for performing depositioning is the desire to defend against attacks on our person and adding unfavorable reviews on the Internet. Recognizable brands may have to deal with such a situation, about which influencers, bloggers or famous people will speak badly - undeservedly. This is a way of defending against unfair opinions or sentences about us . It is used when "hate" appears on a given website or bad opinions about our brand are deliberately added, and which is high enough to influence customers' purchasing decisions .
The third reason for performing depositioning is the desire to eliminate competition . This is clearly unethical and punishable in terms of unfair competition or causing harm. Hackers or dishonest companies that compete with one or more brands may implement depositioning of websites to achieve a better position on their own. Such action may paradoxically be much more profitable for them and than investing in the positioning of their own website .