Government Resolution of

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Government Resolution of

Post by thouhidul32 »

State and non-state examination bodies are required to request both forms of documentation from the applicant: the text and graphic part and the information model. In all other cases, it can be either the text or graphic form. And state construction supervision bodies must use the information model in their work. At the operation stage, the documentation is also provided in two forms.

Resolution No. 614
This year, the RF 17.05.2024 No. 614 was issued, regulating the rules for the formation and maintenance of an information model. Earlier, in September 2023, the final version of Resolution No. 331 came into force, describing the cases when saudi arabia phone number an information model is formed and maintained.


"Resolution No. 331 answers the questions: who forms and maintains the information model, and when and in relation to what capital construction projects. These may be budgetary projects, shared construction projects, apartment buildings, as well as other projects being built under Federal Law No. 214. [...] Resolution No. 614 answers the questions of how the information model is formed and maintained, what information and materials are included in its composition, and what formats are used," explained Sergei Dragomirov.

The expert also drew the attention of the audience to the fact that all information, materials and documents at all stages of the life cycle, starting with the results of engineering surveys and ending with operation, must be provided in the format of an information model with or without a CIM and transferred within 5 days after the work is completed and the acts are signed by authorized persons in the GISOGD of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation. Which can be a very labor-intensive process in some cases. At the same time, the information model for some OKS does not need to be transferred to the GISOGD.

The specialist then briefly described at what stages of the project life cycle the resolution requires or recommends providing IM and CIM, noting that at the stage of preparing the design documentation, the graphic part of the design documentation is necessarily supplemented by a digital terrain model in the volume that must be determined by the Ministry of Construction. The requirements for the composition and content of the digital model have not yet been determined by the regulator, which caused great bewilderment in the speaker.

Between two laws
The new Resolution No. 614 comes into force on September 1, 2024, but the question of how to act within the framework of two regulatory legal acts simultaneously and whether it is necessary to form an IM and CIM is already relevant. Sergey Dragomirov briefly covered the main strategies of action for different types of construction projects.
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