Should you get started with it for your company? It depends. If you really don't have the time or money to create a website, this could be an option. I personally find the possibilities too limited to make it a meaningful part of your online marketing activities. There is no possibility to add extra pages. In addition, there is no analytics integration, you can't get started with page titles and meta descriptions, just like adding alt text to photos, to name a few limitations. For the Dutch market, where the percentage of websites is much higher compared to the rest of the world, this is simply not good enough in my opinion.
4. Q&A
You may have noticed: users can now ask questions to companies in the Knowledge Panel of a company. Anyone who is logged in with a Google account can ask and answer greek phone number questions. This functionality is currently supported in the browser of all mobile devices and the Google Maps app on Android devices. Oddly enough, it does not yet work in the Google Maps app on iPhones.
As a business owner, you can receive notifications of questions being asked. You must then be logged in on your phone in your browser or Maps app with the Google account that is linked to Google My Business. This way, you can keep track of the questions being asked and have the opportunity to be the first to answer a question. Is it of added value? Google indicates that it is: “A lot of questions remain unanswered when people search for a location. By giving both business owners and customers the opportunity to ask and respond, we make it easier for people to choose.”
5. Dashboard
Google wants to be as relevant as possible for users, and that is only possible if the results that the search engine provides are up-to-date. Are you logged in with the Google Account that you use to manage Google My Business, and are you searching for your own business? (After all, we are all curious about the findability and online reputation of our business.) Then you will see the following 'business dashboard' directly in the search results, also on mobile.