Guides are becoming increasingly popular among bloggers. This is not surprising because they offer a number of advantages that other types of content do not offer.
Carlos Bravo11
Guides are one of the most popular types of content on the web. Bloggers have long since discovered this format to promote themselves through this format. One of the masters of this type of content in the blogging world is undoubtedly Berto López, as he continually demonstrates through his mega-guides that often reach 10,000 words.
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The first idea for this post was to write a guide to writing a guide. I think it's a type of content that doesn't exist in Spanish yet, although honestly I haven't gotten around to researching it. I estimate that it japan whatsapp number list would be a post that would take between 3-6 hours to write properly, but unfortunately (or luckily, as you want to see it) I have a thousand more stories that I have to prioritize, so I'm not going to dedicate that time to it. In the meantime, I'll give you the idea so you can write it before I find that space...
Contents [ hide ]
1 Why guides are so popular
2 What creating guides brings to the blogger
2.1 Improve the blog's SEO
2.2 Increased online reputation of the blogger
Why guides are so popular
There are many reasons why guides are a very popular type of content. The fact that they require a lot of work to put together means that they are typically rather thin content . Compared to the infoxification of other types of information we face daily on the web, in this case we stop for a second to study it in the moment or save it to review in a quiet moment.
A guide summarizes a topic in its entirety and does not focus on separate aspects. From the user's point of view this brings a lot of value because it saves the time of having to put different pieces of the puzzle together to generate a result. It is one of those basic pillars of blogging that provides the reader with structured information that they can absorb in a much more comfortable way .