Do you want to increase the content generation for your company blog by 5-10? Here's an idea that won't cost you a fortune to implement.
Carlos Bravo12
Content is king. The more the better for Google. It's a very simple rule. Ok, now you're going to tell me that quality matters and I agree with you but every little bit helps. More and more companies are aware of the importance of content creation but they are not able to carry out this important task when it comes to receiving more visibility in search engines.
Blogging workersPhoto rights by Fotolia
A quick idea to generate more content for the company blog
I have to admit that this idea doesn't work if you are the japanese phone number format company. In that case, it will be impossible for you to implement the idea I have in mind. Why not involve the whole company in creating content? Is it too much to ask that each employee publish one post per month?
Imagine if your company is made up of 20 employees. We would be talking about 20 additional posts each month on top of what you are already publishing. We are talking about almost 1 additional post per day. In the medium term, this can have a significant impact on your visibility in search engines.
Generate an adequate incentive to motivate people to write
Okay, not everyone is good at writing, but it's all about finding the right incentive. We all know that we like to compare ourselves, so you could turn content generation into a kind of competition.
To make things more exciting, you could award a prize to the 3 best bloggers in the company. It would have to be something motivating. You could think of small gifts like tickets to the cinema or something bigger like a night in a hotel with dinner for the employee and his partner. I'll leave you with the idea, so do with it what you want...