What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

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What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

CRPS is a neurological disorder that may start after an injury or surgery. It causes severe pain , swelling, and changes in skin color and temperature to the affected area . It also makes it harder to move a limb and more sensitive to touch.

The exact cause of CRPS remains a mystery, but it is thought to be related usa number list to a problem with the central nervous system . This problem may make the nerves in the affected area overly sensitive. As a result, people with CRPS may experience pain from things that normally wouldn't hurt.

Types of CRPS
There are two main types of complex regional pain syndrome:


Type 1 CRPS , also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), occurs after an illness or injury that does not damage the nerves to the affected limb . This is the most common type, accounting for about 90% of cases.
Type 2 CRPS , formerly called causalgia, begins after significant nerve damage , such as a severe sprain or fracture. This type is less common and usually has more severe symptoms.
Type 1 CRPS (RSD) Type 2 CRPS (burning pain) Occurs after illness or injury without direct nerve damage Occurs after significant nerve damage More common (90% of cases) Less common Symptoms may be less severe Often have more severe symptoms
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