Beginnings are always hard. As a blogger, the first 30 days can decide your future as a blogger. With these tasks I want to keep you motivated for what awaits you.
Carlos Bravo17
When I started writing about blogging 5 years ago, you could hardly find any good content on this topic (I write this sentence and it seems like I'm an old-fashioned blogger). Nowadays, it's hard not to come across a post with "the best tips for having a successful blog." These aren't always authors with that experience, but sometimes theory is similar to practice.
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Why are so few bloggers successful despite the abundance of quality information available?
The truth is that along with the large number of articles, there japan phone numbers list are also posts and blogs of excellent quality. With everything that is known about blogging, anyone should be able to succeed with their own project. The reality is that very few really succeed because they give up before they have achieved their goals.
At first you have no idea how difficult it is to get anywhere as a blogger.
You find it difficult to move from theory to practice for fear of making a mistake.
You have some knowledge but no plan of any kind.
I'm not an overly organized person. I'd say I do just enough and depending on the level of stress I have during the week or day. I've never planned what I do on my blog. I don't have an editorial calendar or anything like that. I almost never have posts scheduled more than 24 hours in advance. Now I come along and tell you that you need a plan.
Competition in the blogging world has grown enormously . Before (let's say 2 years ago) it was "easier" to position yourself because you were touching certain niches that were virgin territory. I must admit that I feel a certain pride in seeing now that a large number of former students of the "Course for Bloggers" have become small and big stars in their niche. I am not going to give examples because the merit is theirs, not mine. Besides, a mention in my blog today would not change their lives either.