We’ve written some R scripts to scrape the location information for train and tram stops in Melbourne and write them out to a CSV file. With a simple bit of further processing we can bring this data into FastStats expressions directly in the format we need to utilise the location expressions to establish how close each house is to its nearest public transport stop. The screenshot below shows the start of the expression to work out the distance to the nearest train station in Melbourne.
For an analytical or modelling cyprus mobile numbers purpose it may well be that the numeric distance is the important factor. In many marketing instances, however, we also wish to know which of the locations was nearest (e.g. what is my nearest store? Airport? Train station? etc).
In the screenshot below, there’s a variation on the above expression that works out which location is the nearest and then returns the textual value of that station names of the same expression.
We’ve seen this type of analysis requirement in many scenarios. Clients have had the need to find the nearest store, the nearest post office, or the nearest cinema. The GeoNth() and GeoDistNth() functions also allow for finding the distance of (or index to) the Nth closest. There are so many possibilities – and all of these can follow the approaches described above.