The relationship between blogger and reader has an end

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The relationship between blogger and reader has an end

Post by Abdur12 »

Relationships are not always meant to last forever. The bond between a blogger and his readers does not last forever because it has an expiration date.

Carlos Bravo18
This is the sad reality. The relationship between a blogger and his reader will come to an end one day. With the hard work of getting a reader, it is even harder to accept that one day he will leave. This is one of the conclusions I am reaching thanks to the survey I am carrying out these days about my blog and blogging .

Reader and BloggerPhoto rights by Fotolia

Of the first blogs I read 9 years ago, I am no longer actively following any of them. Unsubscribing does not necessarily mean abandoning a blog. It is not good to start from oneself and generalize, but there are good common sense reasons that lead me to the initial conclusion.

Why a reader abandons a blogger
The relationship between reader and blogger can sometimes be one of love and hate. Sometimes I forget that those who read me have expectations and I must not relax because every post counts japanese phone number list so as not to disappoint. It does not always depend on the blogger because sometimes you simply have to let a reader go because it does not depend on what you write anymore.

Tastes and interests change

Every human being evolves based on the decisions they make and the experiences they acquire thanks to them. In my case, I played football almost every day until I was 24 years old. Now, it's been months or even years since I've set foot on a pitch. My interests and with them my priorities have changed. Football is no longer one of them.

The reader has learned what he wanted

A blogger cannot necessarily teach you endless new things. There may come a point where the reader knows more than the author himself. This is when the student could teach the master. Many bloggers do not evolve enough and do not renew or expand their knowledge, which leads to a point where the reader's learning level is very low.
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